156: Do staccato work

If you’re thinking too much that prevents you from acting and eventually makes you angry, schedule every minute of your day the night before so that you have no option than executing.

This can seem exhausting but it is also very fulfilling because you shut up the voices inside your head and let your actions shine. Read More

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155: Every business day you compete

As a businessman, every business day is a competition day. You compete against yourself at the very least and against the forces of the market.

Because it is so demanding, just like a sports tournament is (let alone the concentration costing you many nerves), you can easily get fed up and give up before the end of the day.

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154: Your one-second haka

The haka derived from the tradition of the Maori, the indigenous culture of New Zealand.

In your personal haka, you use the short time of only a second to put all the energy you got into it. It combines breathing out before you do it and doing a powerful, ancient sound that expresses your willingness to do what you want to do: this can be to continue your project or start a game like the rugby team of New Zealand.

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