My current recipe for a good life: Essentials, Life goals, Action.

  1. Low level: Spot the elements in your life that make you feel good. For example: I have three (writing, walking, talking). Make sure you are able to do them every day so they become an essential (even sacred) part in your life.
  2. High Level: Take a good amount of time (days, weeks) to define your life goals. Think big here because those dream goals should be attractive to you even in 10 years. Read „10X Rule“ if you struggle to find them.
  3. Mid Level, the most important one because it’s the glue that connects the low level and high level. Take action! These are the small activities, the work, you do every day that add up to something big eventually. Action connect your low-level elements of well-being with your high-level dream goals. In other words: Action connects a fulfillment with achievement.

This recipe is a draft and work in progress.

j j j

The issue I’m having with being employed

is that someone tells you what is supposed to happen at which time.

Meaning: When there is a holiday in your country or city (i.e. not a work day), like it is tomorrow (31 October 2017) why can’t you just show up because you want to work on that particular thing? So, the lack of ownership and full responsibility for a thing is one of my main concerns with being employed.

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j j j