The next big thing: Status updates with no internet!

I’ve tried this new thing. It’s called offline status updates!

> Wait, what’s that?

It’s when you have something (important) to say but you don’t tell it to cyber selves but only those you can see in the eyes.

> You are a crazy man.

I know, I know. But I like being on the forefront of cutting edge stuff.

> I admire you.

I do, too.

j j j

Don’t be stupid. Don’t sabotage yourself

As a child, teenager and early adult I used to be in the following mindset:

  1. I have to know this automatically, just like that.
  2. When I learned something new or found out how something worked I felt I was cheating.
  3. When I achieved something I diminished, even negated the achievement: I told myself I was lucky and only the circumstances made me accomplish that. It was not my effort that caused the result.

Obviously, I was standing in my own way punching myself down whenever I „had“ to learn something new because I was not good or smart enough to know it „just like that“.

Don’t be stupid. Don’t sabotage yourself.

j j j

Don’t hide how special you are, it serves you as a natural filter for unwanted people

You are a special person. In fact, you are like a good business because of your nature. You don’t know exactly who you will reach but you know it will be the right people of your target audience.

Meaning: If you are looking to do good business show the essence of your venture and therefore the people you want to attract. The same goes for dating and finding „the one“: Because of who and how you are you have a natural filter for unwanted people to only let through the people you want to be surrounded with. If you polish yourself and your self the chance to radiate its purity you will attract exactly what you’ve been looking for.

If you are true and radiate a true self, the truth will echo back.

j j j