033: I like you because you do

I like you because you do. Unconditional sympathy is only the start when the magic formula is know-like-trust.

About (un)conditional sympathy

You hired a professional who is doing a great job. His name is Ramon. He delivered what he promised. The conversations with him are serious and to the point. He is not a big small talker. Sometimes you wonder how he reacted if you threw a joke at him. Would he say something or just let the moment pass in uncomfortable silence? He would probably take a long breathe and wait for another question you have.

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032: Until you prove it wrong

Under reservation until proven wrong.

There is no universal truth, there is no single universal power and there is no one person or entity that speaks the whole truth.

If you accept that everyone and everything is biased and opinionated, you will have an easy time to understand that you represent a point of view or replicate an opinion until you prove it wrong or someone/something proves you wrong.

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