041: Reverse-engineer from death to now for a life free of regrets

Regret has no remorse. Talk to a person who is about to die, ask about his regrets and listen carefully. You will know what resonates most and take action.

You do not want to regret anything in your life. What you have been regretting already you want to stop growing to not become this enormous heap of sadness that makes you burst into tears every time you realize its sheer size.

So no more regret is the goal. The best place to start having a regret-free life is by talking to people who are on their way towards the end of their life. If you have no chance of talking to older people your second-best bet is to read „The Top 10 Regrets Of The Dying“.

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040: Do you speak H2H?

Speak human to human

You need H20 to survive but you want H2H to do business.

Human to human is how you talk to me unless I’m a robot or another kind of non-biological form of existence. I own a business you sell your products to. I am also a consumer buying your products for personal use.

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