German: Dein Leben leben und Träumen folgen

Dein Leben leben und Träumen folgen

Dein Leben leben und Träumen folgen

TL;DR Dear reader, this post is written in German to also include my German family and  friends into my life as a remote working writer and traveler. Please enjoy it using Google Translate or learn German “the hard way”, no honestly German can be very hard for non-natives to learn. I appreciate your effort – the next English post will be published soon 🙂

Hi, ich bin’s Alex aus Berlin und gerade in Kolumbien unterwegs. Ich möchte dich mit auf eine Reise nehmen.

Das Ziel: Dein Lieblingsleben leben.

Die Route: Deine schönsten Träume.

Ja, das ist möglich, Connie hat das schon vorgemacht. Und ich möchte mal gucken, wie das so geht, auch wenn ich das schon teilweise tue – doch dazu später mehr in einem anderen Artikel.

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Is Being A Digital Nomad A Lie?

Hacker News: Is Being a Digital Nomad a Lie?

Hacker News: Is Being a Digital Nomad a Lie?

Pretext: Only if you believe (in) it, it can become a lie (that affects you). If you don’t mind and let it pass — like you do with a lot of things in life because you can’t save everything and everyone from the sickness of this world — then the discussion / trend / hype of being a Digital Nomad will only be a side-topic or not a topic at all — like bad commercials.

However, if you feel called by the term because you sense that it could be related to what you’re doing, you’re wanting to do it or dream of doing it, here’s my view and more extensive response than my initial comment on Facebook, a kind-of response to what Yann Girard initially wrote under the title „The digital nomad lie“ (originally found on Facebook).

Remote or location-independent

From my perception and conversations with people who apply this kind of lifestyle (fully or partly) the term „Digital Nomad“ is something they don’t like that much. To be a „Remote Worker“ comes closer to what identifies them, and I personally like being called „remote worker“ (working location-independent like that most of the time since 2008) more than being a nomad because it sounds more down to earth.

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