How Pieter Levels Builds Minimum Viable Products

Pieter Levels builds Minimum Viable Products that he calls Startups

Pieter Levels builds Minimum Viable Products that he calls Startups

Core ideas and learnings from Pieter Levels researching and collecting publications from and about him.


I read through all the popular posts by Pieter Levels. He made 12 startups in 12 months, and I collected the core ideas, key outcomes and main learnings.

In a list. With bullet points. Organized in categories. Where applicable, I changed his notions into the imperative, for readability and attractiveness – note that it does occasionally change the way he said in his posts. He usually is pretty cautious and reflective in his notions. Things can be repetitive which is intended so you remember.

All in all, it’s the kind of lecture notes you did while in class. Edit the list if you feel the urge.

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Is Being A Digital Nomad A Lie?

Hacker News: Is Being a Digital Nomad a Lie?

Hacker News: Is Being a Digital Nomad a Lie?

Pretext: Only if you believe (in) it, it can become a lie (that affects you). If you don’t mind and let it pass — like you do with a lot of things in life because you can’t save everything and everyone from the sickness of this world — then the discussion / trend / hype of being a Digital Nomad will only be a side-topic or not a topic at all — like bad commercials.

However, if you feel called by the term because you sense that it could be related to what you’re doing, you’re wanting to do it or dream of doing it, here’s my view and more extensive response than my initial comment on Facebook, a kind-of response to what Yann Girard initially wrote under the title „The digital nomad lie“ (originally found on Facebook).

Remote or location-independent

From my perception and conversations with people who apply this kind of lifestyle (fully or partly) the term „Digital Nomad“ is something they don’t like that much. To be a „Remote Worker“ comes closer to what identifies them, and I personally like being called „remote worker“ (working location-independent like that most of the time since 2008) more than being a nomad because it sounds more down to earth.

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